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Welcome to ShardedGames.com. We are currently building up our portfolio of retro style games with modern twists.

Our manifesto's aim is to keep all knowledge as free as possible and all our games and tools to be useful to all without financial restriction. To accomplish this task we may use advertising on our websites and in our games to support the development and our hosting costs.

Where possible we will attempt to keep our code open source and free to access/learn from and reused.

In the meantime while we fill out our games portfolio we would like to suggest you browse over on our sister site at ShardedTools.com for tools code and information.

If you would like to know more about our company then please check out ShardedStudios.com.


Welcome to ShardedGames.com. We are currently building up our portfolio of retro style games with modern twists.

Our manifesto's aim is to keep all knowledge as free as possible and all our games and tools to be useful to all without financial restriction. To accomplish this task we may use advertising on our websites and in our games to support the development and our hosting costs.

Where possible we will attempt to keep our code open source and free to access/learn from and reused.

In the meantime while we fill out our games portfolio we would like to suggest you browse over on our sister site at ShardedTools.com for tools code and information.

If you would like to know more about our company then please check out ShardedStudios.com.

(c)2019 Sharded Studios Ltd

(c)2019 Sharded Studios Ltd